Online Job portal - PHP Project with Source Code

Synchlab Coding


    An online job portal website project is a web-based platform that connects job seekers with employers, facilitating the job search and recruitment process. It serves as a centralized platform where job seekers can find and apply for job vacancies posted by employers, while employers can advertise their job openings and search for qualified candidates. We developed the system using PHP and MySql databases. This site allows job seekers & recruiters to get connected. It provides an ability for job seekers to create their own accounts, upload their profile and resume, search for jobs, and apply for jobs. The project mainly contains three modules i.e. Admin, Employer, and Jobseeker.


  Project Modules

  Online Job portal system, has been developed using PHP and MySQL database. This is the project which keeps records of the employer, jobseeker, and administrator. The online Job portal system modules are described below.


    Admin Modules

    This module provides admin-related functionalities. The admin manages the whole application.

  • Dashboard: In this section, the admin can briefly view the total jobs, total recruiters, and total applied jobs.
  • Job Sector: In this section, the admin can manage different job sectors (add/update/delete).
  • Manage City: In this section, the admin can add, delete, and view the list of cities.
  • Manage Applicants: In this section, the admin can view the list of registered candidates(jobseeker) and see the details of candidates(jobseeker) .
  • Manage Recruiters: In this section, the admin can view the list of registered recruiters(employer) and see the details of recruiters(employer).
  • Manage Jobs: Admin can edit, and view the posted jobs.
  • Search: In this section, the admin can search a particular employer and candidates by company name and mobile number respectively.
  • Admin can also update his profile, change the password, and recover the password.


  Employer Module

   This module provides functionalities related to recruiters. Recruiters register themselves first after that they can post job details and update the details as and when necessary.

  • Jobs: In this section, an employer can post the job and manage the jobs, Employer can view the list of applied candidates related to that job.
  • Employers can also update his profile and recover the password.


   Candidates(Jobseeker) Modules

  • Home: In this section, candidates can view jobs which is posted by a recruiter and apply for those jobs.
  • Apply for Jobs: In this section, candidates can search and view the jobs posted by recruiters and directly apply to those jobs.


 How to run the Job Portal Project

  • Download the zip file
  • Extract the file and copy job portal folder
  • Paste inside root directory(for xampp xampp/htdocs, for wamp wamp/www, for lamp var/www/html).Xampp/Wamp PHP version should be 7.4
  • Create a database with the name jobportal
  • Import jobportal.sql file(given inside database folder of project zip folder)


  Admin Credential

  Username: admin

  Password: password

  Employer Credential

  Register as a new employer

  Jobseeker Credential

  Register as a new candidate. 

Project Price:  Rs - 449/-  only

If you want to buy the project source code kindly contact us at

Whatsapp: +918822677188


You can download the online job portal project zip file from the below link

Note: Installation support will be provided from our end

Project Demo:


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