File Tracking System

Synchlab Coding


    A file tracking system, often referred to as a document or file management system, is a software-based or manual process that organizations use to efficiently manage and track their files and documents. File tracking by manual methods is time-consuming where finding files is a tedious task File tracking systems are crucial for businesses and institutions that deal with a large volume of paperwork or digital documents. The primary goals of a file tracking system are to ensure document organization, easy access, and security with regulatory requirements.

Project Modules

   File tracking system has been developed using Laravel and MySQL databases. This is the project that keeps records of the files of an organization, and it also tracks who is handling the file. The file tracking system modules are described below.

Key Modules:

 1. Department Management: In this section, Admin can manage all the departments of an organization (add/update/delete).

 2. Users Management: In this section, Admin can manage all the users of an organization (add/update/delete). Admin can create new users as well.

 3. File History Tracking: In this section Admin can add new files into the system and Admin can forward those files to other users of the system (i.e. organization employees) also it keeps track of the file. If the files go out of the organization it can dispatch the file with a remark.

Users can view the file as well as forward it to other users of the system.

Technology Stack:

  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.
  • Back-end: Laravel.
  • Database: MySQL.

 How to run the File Tracking System Project

   1. Download the zip file

   2. Install Xampp or Wamp With PHP version 7.4

   3Install Composer: If you haven't already, install Composer, which is a dependency manager for PHP. You can download it from

  4. Install Laravel: Open a terminal and run the following command to install Laravel globally on your system: composer global require laravel/installer

  5.Open PHPMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin)

  6. Create a database with name file_tracking

  7.Import file_tracking.sql file(given inside database folder of project zip folder)

  8. Install Project Dependencies: Navigate to your project directory in the terminal and run: composer install

  9. Generate Application Key: Run the following command to generate a unique application key for your Laravel application: php artisan key: generate

 10. Start the Development Server: You can start the Laravel development server by running: php artisan serve
This will start a development server at http://localhost:8000.

Project Price:  Rs - 649/-  only 

If you want to buy the project source code kindly contact us at

Whatsapp: +918822677188


Internation user can directly download the project source code zip file from the below link

Project Demo:

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