Responsive Admin Dashboard Using REACT and MATERIAL UI With Free Source Code

Synchlab Coding

 The Responsive Admin Dashboard Using REACT and MATERIAL UI  project aims to develop a user-friendly web admin dashboard using React and Material UI that serves as the admin interface for managing your admin-related tasks. The admin panel provides functionalities for managing customers, Reports, Maps, and other essential aspects.

Features of Responsive Admin Dashboard


    • Display an overview of key metrics such as total Users, and number of customers.
    • Provide visual representations of data using charts and graphs.
    • Data is visualized in maps.


Customer Management:

    • Add, edit, and delete customers with details.
    • Search and filter customers based on various criteria.

Reports Management:

    • Add, edit, and delete test reports with details such as name, location, state, etc.

Responsive customer login page
Responsive Contact Us page

 How to run the  Admin Panel Project

    1. Extract the downloaded source code zip file
    2. Cd into the project folder
    3. Then run npm install
    4. then run npm run dev

    Project Demo

    For source code contact us at

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